Who We Are

National Standard and its managed entities make up a globally integrated organization exclusively dedicated to financing infrastructure and sovereign-sponsored projects by applying the extensive infrastructure and economic policy consulting experience of its representatives. 

National Standard is a U.S.-based privately owned financial and professional services company that receives its capital support from a mixture of large North American- and European-based financial institutions, institutional investors and investment banks which provide it with the financial tools and experience to tackle the most complex and challenging financial transactions.

National Standard serves the global sovereign, sub-sovereign, financial institutions and infrastructure financial markets as the leading go-to financial partner for cross border financial transactions.

National Standard provides long-term debt financing products, policy expertise based bespoke and best of class advisory solutions to governments, financial and banking markets and the infrastructure industry around the world in the markets it serves.

The organization, its products and its reputation are built around the unique needs of three distinct clients:

  • Sovereign, Sub-sovereign and governmental entities,
  • Infrastructure asset class, industrial and large scale capital projects, and
  • Public and private sector banks, financial institutions and insurance.

Unlike traditional banks and equity investors, National Standard is the architect of sophisticated institutional capital that supports its public sector clients’ national and geopolitical economic and infrastructure policy.

The firm accomplishes this by providing long-term, high leverage, flexible and covenant light structured debt financing to:

  • Central Banks, Ministries of Finance and Treasury Departments,
  • Private sector banks, financial institutions, fund managers, asset managers,
  • Large multinational corporations and financial sponsors,
  • Ministries of Infrastructure and State Owned Enterprises, and
  • Sub-sovereigns, Municipalities and Provinces

Complimentary to its finance products, National Standard offers its clients advisory services focussed on the creation, management and implementation of  economic and infrastructure policy initiatives at the macro and micro level on a bespoke basis.


Transacciones recientes

National Standard y sus directivos han realizado cientos de transacciones en distintos sectores de todas partes del mundo. National Standard es una destacada entidad independiente de inversiones a largo plazo, basada en activos y globalmente integrada.

National Standard tiene proyectos y relaciones en Europa, América Latina, África, Asia, Medio Oriente y otras regiones del mundo. Actualmente estamos asociados a un grupo de gobiernos líderes, corporaciones y fuentes de capital progresivo para ofrecer una propia red de proyectos de alta calidad.

Para ver ejemplos de transacciones de financiamiento de arrendamientos realizadas por National Standard y/o sus directivos, haga clic en la imagen de abajo.

Estas imágenes representan más de 100 transacciones realizadas y demuestran en su conjunto nuestra exclusiva experiencia y una impresionante trayectoria en infraestructura y arrendamiento de bienes raíces y equipos.


National Standard et sa direction ont réalisé des centaines de transactions dans le monde entier et dans plusieurs secteurs. National Standard est un investisseur à long terme, indépendant et leader du marché, se basant sur les actifs mondialement intégrés.

National Standard a des projets et des relations en Europe, en Amérique Latine, en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et dans d’autres régions du monde. Nous sommes actuellement en partenariat avec un groupe de gouvernements, de corporations et de sources de capitaux progressistes leaders pour élaborer une réserve de projets de haute qualité.

Pour consulter des exemples de financements de crédits-baux réalisés par National Standard et / ou ses directeurs, cliquez sur les images ci-dessous.

Ces vignettes représentent plus de cent transactions démontrant collectivement notre expérience unique et notre bilan impressionnant pour les crédits-baux en infrastructures, immobilier et équipements.

Perfil de inversión

National Standard tiene proyectos y relaciones en Europa, América Latina, África, Asia, Medio Oriente y otras regiones del mundo

Nuestro sector está enfocado en los activos solventes de infraestructura esencial, incluyendo pero no limitándose a bienes de transporte, energía, sociales, de salud y otros de misión fundamental patrocinados por socios de fondos soberanos y ejecutados por socios de primer nivel del sector privado.

La firma cree que la “oportunidad de mercado” para la infraestructura es aportar capital de infraestructura a mercados internacionales selectos, que han sido desatendidos masivamente por bancos internacionales en un proceso de desapalancamiento, los cuales anteriormente habían sido el centro de estos segmentos.

Actualmente estamos asociados a un grupo de gobiernos líderes, corporaciones y fuentes de capital progresivo para ofrecer una propia red de proyectos de alta calidad.

Rol: Inversor y propietario de infraestructura global

Perfil del activo: Proyectos de infraestructura esencial tales como aeropuertos, puertos marinos, instalaciones industriales, sociales, sanitarias, embarcaciones, aeronaves, proyectos de bienes raíces del gobierno y otros.

Solvencia: Rating crediticio de grado de inversión con el respaldo de fondos soberanos, sub-soberanos, multilaterales o corporativos.

Flujo de operaciones propio: Flujo de operaciones propio mediante la participación de gobiernos y socios corporativos de Europa, América Latina, África, Asia, Oriente Medio y África del Norte.

Gestión de riesgo: Mínimo riesgo de proyectos basado en activos alineados con desarrollo de primer nivel y socios operativos.

Protecciones: Riesgo de inflación cubierto; riesgos de divisas, políticos y asociados

Sectores: Energía, industria, salud, defensa, inmobiliario, educación, comunicaciones, transporte, desarrollo económico.

Profils d’investissement

National Standard a des projets et des relations en Europe, en Amérique Latine, en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient et dans d’autres régions du monde.

Notre secteur est concentré sur des actifs d’infrastructures cruciaux solvables, tels que ceux qui suivent, mais sans s’y limiter : transports, énergie, social, soins de santé et autres actifs cruciaux financés par des partenaires souverains et réalisés par des partenaires de niveau mondial du secteur privé.

La firme pense que “les opportunités du marché” pour les infrastructures sont de fournir des capitaux d’infrastructures à des marchés internationaux choisis, massivement ignorés par les banques internationales de désendettement, qui constituaient auparavant l’épine dorsale de ces segments.

Nous sommes actuellement en partenariat avec un groupe de gouvernements, de corporations et de sources de capitaux progressistes leaders pour fournir une arrivée maison de projets de haute qualité.

Rôle : investisseur et propriétaire d’infrastructures mondiales

Profil d’actifs : des projets d’infrastructures cruciaux tels que les aéroports, les ports, l’industrie, les équipements sociaux, les navires, les avions, les soins de santé, l’immobilier gouvernemental et de nombreux autres types de projets

Solvabilité : cote de crédit de qualité supportée par des fonds souverains ou sous-souverains et / ou des crédits multilatéraux ou d’entreprises

Propre flux d’opportunités : notre propre flux d’opportunités via les gouvernements participants et nos partenaires d’affaires en Europe, en Amérique latine, en Afrique, en Asie et dans le MENA

Gestion des risques : risques minimes des projets basés sur nos partenaires de développement et d’opération de niveau mondial aux mises de fonds similaires

Protections : risques d’inflations couverts ; risques de change, politiques et associés

Secteurs : énergie, industriel, soins de santé, défense, immobilier, éducation, communications, transports, développement économique

Investment Profile

Our focus is in credit-worthy essential infrastructure assets, government sponsored debt, government treasury and central bank infrastructure and liquidity solutions and providing structured finance solutions to financial sponsors.

The firm believes the “market opportunity” for infrastructure including industrial and large scale capital projects is to provide long-term costs effective infrastructure capital into select international markets, massively under served by deleveraging international banks due to BASEL III and IV regulations, formerly the backbone within these segments. These latest set of bank regulations imposed since the 2008 financial crisis also create the need for liquidity within the global banking sector.

We work closely with a group of leading governments, corporations and progressive capital sources to provide a proprietary pipeline of high quality projects and government debt transactions.

Debt Types: Senior, unsecured, asset finance lease, revolving credit facility, structured finance product, credit linked debt

Term: 5 to 30 years

Repayment: Interest only structures and customized amortization schedules

Client Types: Government, infrastructure, banks, large corporations, financial institutions and insurance companies

Proprietary Deal Flow: Proprietary deal flow through participating governments and corporate partners

Currency: USD and Euro

Protections: Hedged inflation risk; currency, political and associated risks

Sectors: Energy, industrial, oil and gas, housing, ports, healthcare, real estate/affordable housing, education, communications, transportation, education, economic development, banking and insurance, technology infrastructure and broadband.


A Message from the CEO

Our website explains our business, but I want to share what drives us and what we are passionate about — the deeper DNA of our ideas, people and organization.

Capital is not our most important tool or what makes us unique. Our financial intellectual property and approach, combined with our people, make us unique in our industry. We think of ourselves as the “smart money” that most people are hoping to find.

We are catalysts and architects of a new dawn of sovereign economic empowerment driven by physical and financial infrastructure, strategically situated in geopolitical economic policy.

We believe that the banking and financial markets for debt have changed.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, banks have been under increased regulation by their governments, central banks and BASEL regulations. Banks’ abilities to take risk and make large long-term loans have become more difficult under new regulations. Now substantial liquidity has moved outside of banks, and is being held at the non-bank institutional level as well as in funds. With the exception of consumer lending, banks are becoming service providers rather than credit providers. At National Standard, we have engineered sophisticated financial structures to align with available liquidity markets. Our proprietary process to deploy these funds uses a risk-management approach to lending and credit, without bank loans or public bonds.

Markets Served

National Standard is establishing itself as a multilateral investment institution to sovereigns and large government bodies across the Americas, European Union, Asia & Middle East and South Africa, which we call “Qualified Investment Countries” or QIC. National Standard does not invest in areas that have not demonstrated financial prudence and political stability.

We also believe that our primary clientele — governments and financial institutions — have changed.

The estimated global financial requirement for infrastructure by 2030 is a staggering U.S. $92 trillion, more than global combined annual GDP. Most governments operate at a budget deficit with high debt levels, and are consistently seeking to raise new capital and reduce costs, while also attempting to be socially responsible to their citizens’ social requirements.

Our bank, insurance and financial institution clients face a complex, changing, global regulatory and credit environment. Banks are in need of new liquidity in addition to traditional bonds and credit. Central Banks and Ministers of Finance are seeking new tools, products and long-term capital to fulfill their own requirements, as well as the requirements of the capital markets and institutions they support. We believe that intelligent geopolitical insight, including climate change data, is critical to help our clients plan and protect against future obstacles and potential risks that may create a negative economic impact.

Presently, we see no global financial player servicing or filling this demand and critical need.

Over the past decade, we transformed and built our institution around solutions to problems that we saw and foresaw in the market. Today, we are sophisticated and highly experienced experts in navigating the world’s most complex and critical economic challenges.

As CEO, I firmly believe we are changing how governments, banks and infrastructure markets approach their financial needs. We pride ourselves on our long term, socially responsible view of investment.

On behalf of National Standard’s management, and all of our employees, I invite you to explore our capabilities and ideology.

All the best,

Russell Duke
Chief Executive Officer

A Message from the CEO

Our website explains our business, but I want to share what drives us and what we are passionate about — the deeper DNA of our ideas, people and organization.

Capital is not our most important tool or what makes us unique. Our financial intellectual property and approach, combined with our people, make us unique in our industry. We think of ourselves as the “smart money” that most people are hoping to find.

We are catalysts and architects of a new dawn of sovereign economic empowerment driven by physical and financial infrastructure, strategically situated in geopolitical economic policy.

We believe that the banking and financial markets for debt have changed.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, banks have been under increased regulation by their governments, central banks and BASEL regulations. Banks’ abilities to take risk and make large long-term loans have become more difficult under new regulations. Now substantial liquidity has moved outside of banks, and is being held at the non-bank institutional level as well as in funds. With the exception of consumer lending, banks are becoming service providers rather than credit providers. At National Standard, we have engineered sophisticated financial structures to align with available liquidity markets. Our proprietary process to deploy these funds uses a risk-management approach to lending and credit, without bank loans or public bonds.

Markets Served

National Standard is establishing itself as a multilateral investment institution to sovereigns and large government bodies across the Americas, European Union, Asia & Middle East and South Africa, which we call “Qualified Investment Countries” or QIC. National Standard does not invest in areas that have not demonstrated financial prudence and political stability.

We also believe that our primary clientele — governments and financial institutions — have changed.

The estimated global financial requirement for infrastructure by 2030 is a staggering U.S. $92 trillion, more than global combined annual GDP. Most governments operate at a budget deficit with high debt levels, and are consistently seeking to raise new capital and reduce costs, while also attempting to be socially responsible to their citizens’ social requirements.

Our bank, insurance and financial institution clients face a complex, changing, global regulatory and credit environment. Banks are in need of new liquidity in addition to traditional bonds and credit. Central Banks and Ministers of Finance are seeking new tools, products and long-term capital to fulfill their own requirements, as well as the requirements of the capital markets and institutions they support. We believe that intelligent geopolitical insight, including climate change data, is critical to help our clients plan and protect against future obstacles and potential risks that may create a negative economic impact.

Presently, we see no global financial player servicing or filling this demand and critical need.

Over the past decade, we transformed and built our institution around solutions to problems that we saw and foresaw in the market. Today, we are sophisticated and highly experienced experts in navigating the world’s most complex and critical economic challenges.

As CEO, I firmly believe we are changing how governments, banks and infrastructure markets approach their financial needs. We pride ourselves on our long term, socially responsible view of investment.

On behalf of National Standard’s management, and all of our employees, I invite you to explore our capabilities and ideology.

All the best,

Russell Duke
Chief Executive Officer

A Message from the CEO

Our website explains our business, but I want to share what drives us and what we are passionate about — the deeper DNA of our ideas, people and organization.

Capital is not our most important tool or what makes us unique. Our financial intellectual property and approach, combined with our people, make us unique in our industry. We think of ourselves as the “smart money” that most people are hoping to find.

We are catalysts and architects of a new dawn of sovereign economic empowerment driven by physical and financial infrastructure, strategically situated in geopolitical economic policy.

We believe that the banking and financial markets for debt have changed.

Following the 2008 financial crisis, banks have been under increased regulation by their governments, central banks and BASEL regulations. Banks’ abilities to take risk and make large long-term loans have become more difficult under new regulations. Now substantial liquidity has moved outside of banks, and is being held at the non-bank institutional level as well as in funds. With the exception of consumer lending, banks are becoming service providers rather than credit providers. At National Standard, we have engineered sophisticated financial structures to align with available liquidity markets. Our proprietary process to deploy these funds uses a risk-management approach to lending and credit, without bank loans or public bonds.

Markets Served

National Standard is establishing itself as a multilateral investment institution to sovereigns and large government bodies across the Americas, European Union, Asia & Middle East and South Africa, which we call “Qualified Investment Countries” or QIC. National Standard does not invest in areas that have not demonstrated financial prudence and political stability.

We also believe that our primary clientele — governments and financial institutions — have changed.

The estimated global financial requirement for infrastructure by 2030 is a staggering U.S. $92 trillion, more than global combined annual GDP. Most governments operate at a budget deficit with high debt levels, and are consistently seeking to raise new capital and reduce costs, while also attempting to be socially responsible to their citizens’ social requirements.

Our bank, insurance and financial institution clients face a complex, changing, global regulatory and credit environment. Banks are in need of new liquidity in addition to traditional bonds and credit. Central Banks and Ministers of Finance are seeking new tools, products and long-term capital to fulfill their own requirements, as well as the requirements of the capital markets and institutions they support. We believe that intelligent geopolitical insight, including climate change data, is critical to help our clients plan and protect against future obstacles and potential risks that may create a negative economic impact.

Presently, we see no global financial player servicing or filling this demand and critical need.

Over the past decade, we transformed and built our institution around solutions to problems that we saw and foresaw in the market. Today, we are sophisticated and highly experienced experts in navigating the world’s most complex and critical economic challenges.

As CEO, I firmly believe we are changing how governments, banks and infrastructure markets approach their financial needs. We pride ourselves on our long term, socially responsible view of investment.

On behalf of National Standard’s management, and all of our employees, I invite you to explore our capabilities and ideology.

All the best,

Russell Duke
Chief Executive Officer

La firma

National Standard es una destacada entidad independiente de inversiones a largo plazo, basada en activos y globalmente integrada. Desarrollamos, financiamos, adquirimos y somos propietarios de bienes raíces y activos de infraestructura económica y social

La firma desarrolla y financia infraestructura y activos inmobiliarios reduciendo el desequilibrio de los requerimientos de financiación de las autoridades públicas y la necesidad de entregar activos de infraestructura y servicios a largo plazo, con la pericia y la eficiencia de los desarrolladores del sector y el capital privado.

National Standard es un agente estratégico en los mercados de infraestructura global e inversiones de base soberana y se asocia a gobiernos locales, soberanos y sub-soberanos, desarrolladores privados y empresas afines para ayudar a diseñar desarrollo de infraestructura y programas de capital. Gracias a nuestras relaciones con fondos soberanos, entidades financieras gubernamentales e inversores institucionales podemos crear un sindicato multinacional dedicado al financiamiento y compra de infraestructura fundamental en todo el mundo. La firma también actúa como un inversor extranjero directo aportando nuevo capital y oportunidades locales en mercados extranjeros.

La firma realiza inversiones a largo plazo (20 a 30 años), con un volumen que va desde los 20 millones de dólares hasta más de 500 millones y busca flujos de caja predecibles a largo plazo. Cada inversión se realiza como parte de la estrategia de gestión de cartera de la entidad.